Providing unsolicited advice since 1996................
Okay, so lets try one with a picture in it!
Melanie is a great photographer, but many of her shots are of yours truly and I dont want this site to be an "I love Triswami." page.......those pictures on my website:-)......which, I may just shut down if this blog fits my needs. This shot, however, was not taken by Melanie.
This is Javier Rodriguez, a good friend of mine. It was taken while we were out in Co. with Chris Conlee doing the Suzuki 24 Hour Triathlon. I just think this picture is one for ages.
Hey there, rockstar, I'm not on twitter but what you've got there as a twit is actually a tweet, I think. Could be wrong. Twit, tweet, just about as gay as the cycling/triathlon uniform...ah, but it all works what can we say. Loved me some morning coffee with you at the pool:) Ha!